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mandag den 10. oktober 2011

Nice Girls don't date dead men

Now I've finished the second book from Molly Harper: "Nice Girls don't date dead men". I found it amusing and funny as the first book, but where that book had a really good story, the sequel is kind of lacking a good point. The story is slow, and nothing much happens in this book. Also, the story tends to be more about the main character "Jane"'s friends, Zeb and Jolene, which is fine because they are getting married, but we don't get to follow Jane very much. We hear about some problems in her life, but we never get to hear any good solutions to those.

It took me more time to read this book than the first one, because sometimes the story was so slow I just had to put the book down for a while. Even though this book was a bit boring at times, it was still funny, though not as much as "Nice Girls don't have fangs". But that's probably what you can expect from a sequel. So overall the book was quite good and amusing though it missed some points. It will be exciting to find out how the third book, "Nice Girls don't live forever" turned out.

I wil give this one 3 out of 5 fangs :o) Enjoy!

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