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lørdag den 24. december 2011

The Art of Seducing A Naked Werewolf

"The Art of Seducing A Naked Werewolf" by Molly Harper is a kind of follow-up to number one "How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf".

This time we follow Cooper's little sister, the new pack alpha of the valley, Maggie Graham. A scientist has come to Grundy to examine werewolfs, and Maggie cannot have that so close to her valley. But of course she falls head over heels with him, and then nothing are to be done. But as she tries to find out her new love life with this gorgeus Nick Thatcher, accident after accident starts to happen near her. First her brakes stop working, then her office was set on fire, and then she was attacked in the forest. Some weird stalker is after her and she cannot find out who he is, until it is very much too late...

This book is as genious and hilarious as all of Harper's books, and therefore it gets 4 out of 5 fangs aswell. :o) enjoy, and merry christmas!

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